Click on the arrows to step back and forth by months. Shift-click to step by years.
Click on the time display to reset the calendar to the current date.
Click on the moon for an animated phase display.
This is not just a display of the current moon phase, it's a real-time animated
display. (I'm sure you're duly impressed.) Of course, the moon changes phase
rather slowly, so unless you don't have much to do today, you'll probably not
want to sit there and stare very long waiting for the exciting action to occur.
If you click on the moon, however, you'll see a complete phase cycle at a
somewhat brisker pace.
The above moon phase information is presented in Greenwich Mean Time. That's
five hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, or four hours ahead of Eastern
Daylight Savings Time, for those living in the United States. The times are
typically accurate within 2 minutes of official almanac times, and (though I've
not checked each and every time) don't stray much further than ten minutes off
over the course of the 200 years covered, from 1900-2099. Your computer's own
clock should be accurately set and the correct time zone set for best
For a more accurate calendar that can also show rise and set times of the Moon,
Sun, and planets, as well as start charts, orbit plots, and a whole lot more, please
visit my Sky View Café page.